Gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube
Gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube

gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube

*No sketches I’ve already covered elsewhere.

gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube

*Non-Recurring characters (though I will allow some “Unofficial” ones especially in ONE case, because of just how pivotal the moment was). It’s time once again for “Hidden Gems”, where we take a look at the sketches of SNL all-stars that may have gone overlooked by others, you know the rules:

gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube

Church” made up for it), and here we are today with Murphy on the heels of his 3 rd comeback (or so) thanks to “Dolomite is my Name” on Netflix-a comeback that wouldn’t even happen were it not for the 19 year old Kid from Long Island bugging the fledgling show for a shot at the big time first. Eventually, peace was made, olive branches were extended, movies like “Holy Man”, “Meet Dave”, “A Thousand Words” and “Norbit” happened (But at least “Dream Girls”, “Tower Heist” & “Mr. Murphy ultimately realized around Season 9 that he was becoming a big fish in a small pond so he stealthily left the show mid-way through the year (but not without leaving behind a few pre-taped pieces), and went on to be one of the biggest stars in the world……followed about 10 years later by becoming one of the biggest Falling Stars in the world according to a certain someone’s choice remarks-which has long been argued as the reason why Murphy has never returned to the show in the 35 years since he hosted it (save for his all too brief appearance on the 40 th Anniversary). For the next 4 years, SNL would become appointment television once again though there was less of an emphasis on “Ensemble” work, and more of a focus on the one guy worth focusing on-though according to one of the Kenneth Bowser “Decade” documentaries, even Murphy wanted to throw the rest of the cast a bone because it was their show too…or as Tim Kazurinsky put it “He was a Mensch”. But still, Murphy persisted…and persisted…and just kept on knocking on the door until such a time came when he eventually knocked it down. As the story goes, Murphy pretty much bugged the show every chance he got for just a shot of a chance at an audition, even though Season 6 Producer Jean Doumanian had already set her sights on Comedian/Actor/future Director Robert Townsend to be the show’s next Garrett Morris. Were it not for him, the show would have passed on, be no more, cease to be, expired and gone to meet its maker, it would be a “Late” late show, it’d be a stiff, bereft of life, it would rest in peace, yadda yadda yadda, EX COMEDY SHOW (I don’t have time to do the whole bit)! Fortunately, unlike the dead parrot, the show didn’t need to be replaced, and thanks to the talents of Roosevelt, Long Island’s favorite son, the show would claw itself back from the brink for at least 4 years…and to think, the show was almost foolish enough to let him slip through their fingers. There is no hyperbole, no exaggeration, no arguments, no exceptions (Except maybe Joe Piscopo and the writing team of Barry Blaustein & David Sheffield…but I digress). Eddie Murphy Saved Saturday Night Live, Plain and Simple.

Gumby dammit eddie murphy youtube